Do Animals have Rights? Does Anyone?

I find the idea of ‘rights’ intuitively compelling. However, on examination I have found myself left without any real support for the notion, not for humans nor animals.

“Rights’ as a notion seem to be a plea to an authority that despises all else but themselves. So, if we were to discard the context of authority-as-exiler-enslaver-destroyer-of-me-and-mine, what would we be left with? For sure, if in fact authority is enslaver or destroyer, then I would be enslaved or destroyed and I would, as a human, be firstly, frightened for my prospects for social exile, imprisonment and death are our deepest fears (or maybe they are one fear). Secondly I would be exiled, imprisoned or dead. Two of these are suffering. The third is relief of all suffering, albeit the process of being killed might be severe suffering for a time. Nonetheless, in regard to actual death as relief, and life as suffering, it occurs to me that there is no ‘right’ to life. Such would be synonymous with saying there is a right to suffering. So ultimately, the whole issue of rights, are, for me, a straw man.

Nonetheless, I spend my life attempting to assist the flourishing of life – human and ecological. I find myself personally distressed by the suffering of others and I too plea to authority to provide relief. And here’s the rub. I am not distressed because of their ‘right’ for life or comfort. I am simply empathetic. And the best I can do in reflection of that empathy is that I am distressed by the proxy reality (me living vicariously) that their life is my life being brought down, not flourishing. I do believe that there is something comfortable for us all if the ecosystem and all humans are flourishing, and I am very attracted to that context. Indeed, I see that there really is a strong probability that the debasement of any group of people by authority will become my lot in life, maybe the lot of all of us.

So, at the heart of my response to ‘rights’ is really a chastisement to authority. While I don’t see that ‘rights’ is more that a bit of a useful abstract to guide certain ‘agreement’ conversations, as an adult human I see that it is ‘responsibility’ that is the real human condition. I define “responsibility” as the ontological state of a mature human. As a concept, then, a dearth of responsibility is a state of immaturity.

Taken this, the obvious question is “How does responsibility look or show up, in the world?” My broad answer to that is that a mature human is responsible for all of it. Returning to my attraction to a flourishing life, ‘all of it’ is the flourishing of everyone and everything. Responsible in that sense is not a ‘being the cause of’ but more like the concept of ‘being cause in the matter (of flourishing)’. Given this, how could we look at the plea to authority that one’s ‘rights’ are not being met. Rather than an argument over whether or not a particular ‘right’ exists, it seems that moving the conversation to whether something is missing in the conversation and actions in responsibility for the flourishing of everyone and the ecosystem, then an actual adult conversation (as in a continuous back and forth of inquiry) is more likely to source both attitudinal and behavioural change.

Of course, in the overarching case that authority doesn’t give a damn about engaging in such ‘weakened’ behaviour, and responds with the equivalent of the 3 year old F/U, the conversation will tend to take a turn for the worse, verbal and actionable. Of course the denigrating of the enslaver is also hardly being responsible for the flourishing. Yet, as every parent sooner or later realises, our authority to the child, if enforced past it’s use-by date, will lead to chaos in the household.

Acknowledging that, the possibility for an individual to become a mature adult in the face of authoritarianism, has long been counselled by the wise, i.e avoiding killing, avoiding stealing, working together for common good, equity, support of the vulnerable, requesting of authority, and, where the stakes are high, such as the possibility for a complete transformation of society towards a flourishing for everyone, even sacrificing one’s life. The latter doesn’t mean in an act of revenge, just the stand that might attract a killing from authority. An act of revenge is also simply the release of the 3 year old F/U onto that authority. And it has never been shown that 2 or more three year olds at each other have ever come to a greater good. Of course I use 3 year old because the wild behaviour of such an age is evident and clear. However, many human adults in the first world have only achieved a developmental age of adolescence, a desire in large to be part of a group.

The mature adult mostly finds themself a more socially adaptable way of being, more independent of all groups and yet able to engage with many conversations. And it is here, in an interdependence of independent thinkers, that true maturation and the effectiveness towards a flourishing human landscape occurs. What circumstances are available for animals will tend to fall out in the flourishing. There a big questions here for the adult society. On domestic animals it comes down to where do pets and food animals fit into the flourishing ecosystem? For in any given year, and agreement to that question is made, and whatever pets and food animals are part of the ecosystem will be automatically managed, by the mature adult as to their flourishing.

For example, I propose that civilisation should now give up the culture of pets, for social and environmental flourishing. Nonetheless, I realise that there is yet great resistance to such. Much of that resistance comes from the immature ‘consumerist’ attitude to social life, including, “it’s all too hard to deal with (people, work, bosses, climate change, politics etc etc etc). So, while domestic animals abound I shall assert to those with authority (ownership) of them, to deal with them in full consideration of their place in a flourishing human society and ecosystem. And because there is a relationship between our immaturity and the quantity of pets and food animals there are, the more social and ecosystem breakdown can be seen on a daily basis. Conversations that include the evidences from various outcomes related to animals will either gain power or loose power. In democracies, the conversations that gain power form policies and laws. The effectiveness of policies and laws are quite directly related to the degree of maturity, the responsibility among humans to consider the full flourishing of everything.

The Barking of Dogs

The dog barked 
across the fence
cutting through
taking down
the talk of the day
and concerns
and plans                                                               
                                 The barking of dogs are loud on every side

The dog barked
as I walked out
to the car and turning
to call and wave goodbye
to la femme
standing at the top
of the stairs, waiting
for me to drive away.                                                 
                                   The barking of dogs are loud on every side

Cozily under the doona
under the full moon
the temperature dropping
and snuggled in to doze
a pounding heart
two back-fence dogs
vicious sound.                                                         
                                  The barking of dogs are loud on every side

To the bark 
of the dog 
evolved an
alert attention
an invader
a human
a chicken eater.

The dogs 
on the farm
never barked
at the rabbit
or the curlew
or the moon
or at dawn
or when they were hunting vermin
in the tall grass
silently playing
their roles.

Years after our twin sons
required feeding
on roster every hour,
even a whimper
could raise me from sleep.

Across the street
two adult dogs and four pups
in a half tin shed that opened to our house
not theirs, yapped and played
and fought and snarled and barked all day
and intermittently through every night.                                  
                                    The barking of dogs are loud on every side
Wakened wakened wakened
wakened wakened wakened
after 7 years, pacing 
in hateful wakefulness
of fatigue, restless legs,
jumping alertness and a fog
that settled like a sludge
across the working day.                                                    
                                    The barking of dogs are loud on every side.

I have no dignity left.
The psych called it torture trauma.
Relentless now in hypervigilance,
there seems no hour
without the barking of dog.
I rode through the countryside
on my cycle to
ease my mind
to meet the barking of dogs.
I walked into the cafe in the urban centre
to enjoy conviviality
amidst the barking of dogs.
I go to my garden chores
against the rushing at the fence
and barking viciously in attack.                                           
                                   The barking of dogs are loud on every side.

The neighbours know, now,
not to have their dogs barking at night
in case I bark back.
A new resident
a new dog 
barked incessantly
for four hours each evening
until their return.
The night is quiet until dawn
when the dogs are let out
to pee and bark
and bark and bark
for an hour 
until the owners 
get up and talk
to the dog
and I must accept, resentfully,
that I must do what
the neighbours demand,
Get Up!                                                                   
                                  The barking of dogs are loud on every side.

I wonder where repose might be
Sometimes when the barking has paused,
my mind drifts calmly towards
the final repose with a deeply
satisfying yearning.

Then a dog barks.                                                         
                                  The barking of dogs are loud on every side.


With thanks to CSIRO Science by Email. Scientists have discovered a new Australian dinosaur, and it’s a big one! Several giant bones, some over one metre long, were uncovered near the town of Winton in central Queensland. But what’s got scientists all worked up isn’t what it looks like: it’s where it came from.


Scientists have named the new dinosaur Savannasaurus elliottorum. It was a big, four-legged plant eater, and looked a bit like a brontosaurus. Savannasaurus was as tall as a giraffe, but much heavier.

Fossils from big plant-eating dinosaurs can be found in many places around the world. Some are up to 150 million years old! Several different species are found in Australia, but they only date back to 100 million years ago. Scientists think that these Australian dinos, including Savannasaurus, might be recent arrivals from another continent. Their best guess is that Savannasaurus came from South America.

So how did Savannasaurus get to Australia? They probably walked! During the time of the dinosaurs, the world was a very different place. South America and Australia were both much closer to Antarctica. And that means there may have been dry land linking the three continents.

The world of the dinosaurs was also a lot warmer than today. Antarctica was covered in trees, not ice. Up to around 100 million years ago, it was still pretty cold, but then global warming kicked in. A warmer world might have allowed Savannasaurus to migrate to Australia, along with other large dinosaurs.

We still have plenty to learn from Savannasaurus. We don’t know how far it spread, or how long it lived until it became extinct. Even the story of how it got here is just a best guess. But it’s pretty cool imagining Australia 100 million years ago, filled with giant dinosaurs!

USA Trip May-June 2016

My USA trip was a real zinger.

Coming on the beginnings of a new relationship with a generous, caring, successful, playful and creative woman, conferences, courses, projects, visiting with my son, and chilling out, was interspersed with lengthy viber or skype conversations that were flirty, jokey, intellectual, dissonant, honest, vulnerable, happy, and teary.

The Landmark Global Transformation conference, my entry event in San Fransisco, rode on the theme of ‘Wonder’. One of my all time favourite topics, wonder would anchor the whole trip and come back, specifically, again during the Alba Emot Course in Asheville, North Carolina, a couple of weeks later.

Although Global Transformations took the ‘Wonder’ theme, it was a wondering about leadership that took my ear. Gladly, presenters I had met a couple of year ago, facilitated a couple of beautiful engaging structural movement communication work. I attended those sessions for my work in dance and it gave me another access to my hearing on leadership. Initially that hearing on leadership was all about what I need to be a leader of my rEvolve project. As my trip comes to a conclusion, that has transformed into rEvolve being the possibility of a leadership training program, ‘Moving into Leadership’.

The idea of moving into leadership is a more clear consolidation of the work I am doing around sustainability and climate change, men’s culture, and dance, into an integrated work, a leadership training program.

From San Fransisco, I flew over to Denver, Colorado, for a few days, to catch up with my friends in Art as Action. Staying at an Air BNB nearby, I was able to ride a hire bike into the city, and even on the light rail to Jefferson County where I could ride to hiking paths. As with my previous experience in that part, life at one mile high can make the legs ache in bike riding unusually earlier than at my home altitude in Australia of half a mile. I learnt how to use Lyft.

It seemed that each time the past two years I’ve seen my friends in Art as Action they have been grieving over the loss of a loved one. Last year the grandfather of the director had passed away. This year one of their music/dance colleagues and his partner were killed in a car accident. I want to make some bigger sense of this coincidence. It only mattered that I could be some community of listening around the grief. Sarah Leversee welcomed me into her Reconnect Class based on Dance for PD and it was wonderful to see the liveliness of that ‘older’ dance class.

It was a special treat to spend a few hours over lunch with Wayne Gilbert, performance poet, retired literature teacher, and recent (having Parkinson’s Disease) dance performer with Art as Action. Wayne is a volunteer poetry teacher to the State prison to the north of Denver. His experience of the attraction of poetry to some hard men, has been profound. At one of his earliest classes, having delivered a poem on Parkinson’s Disease, he was astounded that a hand immediately shot up. The owner said, “Yeh, I get that poem. It’s like how I feel about being in this prison.” I find myself amazed by the nature of the human being around their limiting circumstances, their authentic relationship with those limitations, the access they find to some expansion of those circumstances and they contributions they choose to make, nonetheless. There is some inspiration there, for all of us, and I store that idea away for a way to provide access to that inspiration for everyone.

It was great to spend a week chillin’ at my son’s place in Riverside, California. We had a number of social outings together including a Baha’i meeting. We played an hour of table tennis every night. I got a little heat stroke doing a hike in the desert hills at the back of his place, and the effects of that took quite a few days to remedy, reminding me, among other things, that I’m not as young as I used to be. It was lovely to spend a sedate four hours with my son in the UCR library while he played with an assignment for his masters degree in social work. Sometimes I think I should be in conversation with my son, seeing that we can’t see each other much across the seas, but I profess one of my greatest joys is just to be in proximity.

The next phase of my travel was to spend a few days with Sue Blythe on the Sustainable Farm, Hampton, Gainesville, Florida, around her Future Flash Climate Change Project. Sue’s work has expanded to engage commitments from some fabulous environmental players in Florida, including the manager of the ‘Sustainable Floridians’ volunteer training program out of Florida University, Lanny the Earthman, Actor Jan Booher, and Dave Room San Fransisco based creator of Pacha’s Pyjamas. As I write this I’ve just finished a Skype conversation with Dave Room, opening the way for his work to find expression for children environmental education in Australia.

From Gainesvile to Asheville to the Alba Emot course with Laura Bond. What a fantastic 9 days, learning and training in primary emotional expression, Feldenkrais movement, and exploring related experiments in life story, text, voice and dance with an extraordinary teaching team. So much to bring back to my dance and theatre work but also into the possibility of leadership training.

And so, this week another chill out and exercise at my son’s place in California. It’s a hot summer week in the desert, 113 F early in the week. Time to meditate, play with movement training (God I need it), and have dozens of small conversations with him around his life. He became an American citizen while I’ve been here. Looks like another feather in his global citizen’s cap.

Two nights ago I woke in sadness. My time here is slipping away. Today, I’m prepared for a great weekend with my son, at the beach, in LA. It is time to go home.


With thanks to CSIRO Science by Email for this wonderful series of science updates. I like seeing my friend, Denise Hardesty, reported below, for her work on sea trash.

Sunglasses like moth eyes
MothEye-like sunglasses


Despite their tendency to circle light bulbs, moths have eyes that are designed for darkness. Each eye has a bumpy pattern that stops light reflecting off the surface, possibly helping the moth see in the dark and hide from predators.

For years, scientists have been trying to replicate the effect. They hope that adding a similar pattern to electronic devices could prevent glare when sunlight hits your TV, computer screen or phone. It could also make solar panels more efficient by reducing how much light bounces off them, while stopping any dazzling reflections.

There’s been some success. Extremely tiny shapes, similar to those found in a moth’s eye, have been made using metals, silicon and plastics. Scientists at the University of California, Irvine, recently described how to etch a pattern of nano-sized cones on Teflon, the non-stick material famously found on frying pans.

After coating a thin film of Teflon with a layer of tiny polystyrene balls, they exposed it to a corrosive chemical. The polystyrene partially protected the Teflon, leaving millions of tiny nanocones etched into the surface. In the process, the Teflon film turned from transparent to white, a sign that light was being scattered. Then they added a thin layer of gold to the cones. To their surprise and, at first, concern, they noticed what looked like soot had appeared on the surface. In fact, the material had turned black and was antireflective, bouncing less than one per cent of incoming light.

As well as reducing glare, the aptly named black gold also conducts electricity and repels water. It seems the magnificent moth eye has much to teach us.


Sea Turtle and Ghost Net
Ghost Net with Sea Turtle


There are seven threatened species of marine turtle and we have six of them here in Australia. One of the threats to turtle species is marine debris – waste that humans throw away that has made its way into the ocean.  Waste affects turtles in two ways – either they mistake it for food, or they get tangled up in it

Ghost nets are fishing nets that have been lost or abandoned at sea. These nets continue to travel through the ocean, trapping and entangling turtles. These nets are very hard to escape from and can drift in the ocean for decades, catching protected turtles and other marine species.

Scientists from CSIRO are working with GhostNets Australia and Indigenous rangers to identify areas where turtles are most at risk. The researchers use models based on ocean currents to identify areas that are likely to have a high number of ghost nets in the Gulf of Carpentaria and to find out where turtles are most likely to get caught up in these nets. The team is also working with schools and citizen scientists to survey beaches for litter. The data will help them identify where efforts to clean up nets and marine debris will have the greatest impact.

CSIRO’s Dr Denise Hardesty is leading the research and says, “The best way to tackle marine debris is to stop it from entering our oceans. Together we can all make a difference.” Simple things such as recycling and picking up litter can go a long way in protecting the future of marine turtles!




An exploding star is called a supernova. The big blast can leave behind a pulsar, which is a kind of neutron star. A pulsar spins very fast and sends energy to Earth, in the form of radio waves. As the pulsar beam passes repeatedly over the Earth, like the spotlight of a lighthouse, the pulsar appears to be blinking.

A pulsar is sometimes known as the ‘clock’ of the universe. Just as the Earth spins on its axis every 24 hours, a pulsar spins at a constant speed. Scientists measure the speed of a pulsar by how often Earth receives a ‘pulse’ of radio waves.

With the help of CSIRO’s Parkes telescope, and another telescope in South Africa, a group of researchers noticed that one pulsar was spinning slower than usual. The pulsar is located in the constellation of Puppis and is estimated to be 37 000 light-years from Earth. One possible explanation for the decrease in speed is that a large rocky object – such as an asteroid – hit the pulsar. Scientists estimate that the asteroid weighed a billion tonnes and could have been created when the star exploded!

CSIRO’s Dr Ryan Shannon suggests that the pulsar may have reacted to the collision by zapping the asteroid, causing it to vaporise. The vaporised particles that are left behind are electrically charged. These particles cause the pulsar to spin more slowly, changing the shape of the radio waves received by Earth.

It has been said that time heals all wounds. The ‘clock’ of the universe is expected to return to its original spinning speed once those pesky particles pass!


Traffic Light Tree


Just as plants grow and develop, so does technology. The combination of these two fields has given rise to ‘nanobionics’. This exciting field could lead to pollution-free machines and a better understanding of our environment.

Plants make their own food by photosynthesis, a process which takes place in tiny sub-units of cells called ‘chloroplasts’. A team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology inserted nanoparticles into the chloroplasts of plants, boosting their ability to capture light energy. As well as supercharging photsosynthesis, the researchers discovered a second superpower – the treated plants glowed when exposed to infra-red light!

The team also noticed that the glow stopped when the plant was exposed to nitric oxide – a pollutant commonly produced by cars. The plants acted as chemical sensors, the glow fading in response to the pollutant.

Professor Michael Strano, lead researcher of the study, foresees wide application of bionic plants in our society. He hopes that nanoparticle technology will enable plants to produce energy for other functions – limited only by our imagination.

While there is still more research to be done, our future looks brighter, safer and greener. It won’t be long before bionic plants are lighting up our streets and monitoring our environment!




It was found by accident. “I was actually trying to use a mould [casting] process to make a really nice flat lens,” says Steve Lee, a physicist and engineer at the Australian National University. “It didn’t work very well, I was very disappointed. At the same time I left a drop in the oven overnight and it formed a really nice curvature.”

Tough and rubbery, the drop had some interesting properties, but Steve didn’t think much of it until he talked to Tri Phan, a doctor working in the microscopy division at Sydney’s Garvan Institute of Medical Research. “He got excited,” says Steve.

The lens simply sticks onto a smartphone camera to provide instant magnification. Steve is now talking to dermatologists who think this tiny lens could track suspicious moles in case they change shape. Farmers could use it to identify pests, perhaps uploading photos to biosecurity agencies.

There are several ways to make a lens. Steve’s process uses only an oven and a polymer called polydimethylsiloxane, the strong, scratch-resistant material found in soft contact lenses. A drop is placed on a glass microscope slide and flipped upside down. Gravity and surface tension pull the droplet into the shape of a lens

After the accidental discovery, Steve wanted to make the lens better. “I thought maybe I could try layering. I did it again and again until I had refined the time, the sequence steps, how much to drop … Each drop reduces the focal length and increases the magnifying power,” says Steve. “The highest magnification strength we can get is 160 times, resolving four micron [four thousandths of a millimetre] structures.”

The lenses might find use in developing countries as they cost only a cent in material and all you need to make them is an oven. Steve says they are so easy to make you could do it at home. He suggested you could make one with gelatine by experimenting with different viscosities, and it works! See this week’s activity to make your own jelly lens and try sticking it on a smartphone.